Conceptual and methodological contributions to analyze social participation in food supply policies: an approach to the mountainous region of Morelos.

  • José Merced Téllez Silva Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Sergio Vargas Velázquez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Francisco Herrera Tapia Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Benjamín Bazaldúa Muñoz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Keywords: Assessment of social participation, Inclusive or inclusive public policies, Evaluation of public policies, Food supply programs, SEGALMEX


The main programs involved with the local supply of basic foods in which social participation (SP) is considered in the framework of the Mexican Food Security public policy (SEGALMEX) focused on attention to small-scale production and the population are analyzed. vulnerable to food shortages, where the federal and state governments combine efforts to meet the identified needs. An exploratory case study approach was taken as a basis, in which a methodological proposal focused on the characterization of SP was adapted to interpret the participatory processes that take place in the main programs implemented by SEGALMEX in the municipality of Tetela del Volcán, State of Morelos.
