Transmodern Physical Education. Contribution of scholastic ontology

  • Felipe Mujica Johnson Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Keywords: philosophy, body, soul, physical education, Thomas Aquinas


This essay aims to analyze the contribution of scholastic philosophy to the essence of a transmodern Physical Education. This pedagogical discipline arises in modern times with the influence of the idealistic ontological current, where the body was reduced to an object devoid of subjectivity, which led to a mechanistic pedagogy that understood the body as a machine. This strict dualism has been widely questioned, so that an ontological crisis has been generated that even questions the suitability of the term Physical Education itself. An ontological alternative is the scholasticism founded by Thomas Aquinas, which claimed and developed Aristotelian hylomorphism. It is concluded that not all dualisms associated with idealism despise corporality.
