The psychoeducational program as a suicide attempt prevention method in pre-university students.

  • Frank Yudier Gómez Cera Empresa de Mantenimiento Grupo Electrógenos Fuel-Oil
  • Celia Díaz Cantillo Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Lianne Mosqueda Padrón Universidad de Las Tunas
Keywords: suicidal behavior, prevention, psycho-educational program, students


Suicidal behavior has become more prevalent in recent years, given the psychological, social, and economic impact associated with its development and manifestation, becoming one of the most important public health problems today and affecting Cuban families, which shows, the necessary preventive vision to take into account from the pedagogical process that is offered in these educational institutions and their networks, according to the new challenges, demands, and social demands. This research aims to prevent suicide attempts through the implementation of the psychoeducational program in the different contexts that typify psychological risk factors in pre-university students.
