A quick look at Gender Equality in Public Higher Education in Tamaulipas.

  • Carolina Landero Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Cynthia Marisol Vargas Orozco Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Keywords: gender, parity, inequality, higher education, public university


In the search for a society that treats men and women as equal entities, in all areas of our social construction, we must consider that exclusion and discrimination can distinguish the gender variable in it, not visible in all areas, but that in education it is of special attention and prevention, responding to a responsibility and social retribution between the University and the society it serves. This study aims to identify the level of participation of women in Higher Education in the Tamaulipas entity through analysis using descriptive statistical techniques and correlation with information from Public Universities of ANUIES, CONACyT, INEGI, ONIGIES and UNESCO.
