Legal analysis of Social Reintegration in the face of the current social reality.

  • Raúl Horacio Arenas Valdés Universidad Autónoma del Estado México
  • Edgar Araph Bastida Echavarría Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Keywords: Social reintegration, penal system, crime, rights


It is a notorious fact that the penitentiary centers in Mexico have an extraordinary overpopulation, and inappropriate practices in the penitentiary system are realized; that is to say, the guidelines established in the national and international regulations by the operators in this matter are not obeyed; consequence of this, is the lack of success in the social reintegration of people who have committed some type of crime, since when someone is deprived of their liberty for committing said behaviors, they are far from being properly incorporated into society and on countless occasions acquires new criminal strategies.
