Keys for popular education: differences and relationships between the COVID-19 pandemic and the endemic one.

  • Carlos David Castañeda Guillot Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Fernando de Jesús Castro Sánchez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Gerardo Ramos Serpa Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: popular education, pandemic, endemic, inductive-deductive, immunity


The impact of COVID-19 on the world population was so intense that it forced the population to become aware of numerous aspects that were not previously disseminated; therefore, it is necessary that this knowledge continues to expand. In this case, regarding the determining factors of the transition from the pandemic stage to endemicity, among these factors are vaccination and the increased use of antiviral drugs. As a conclusion, the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic towards an endemic phase is expected, for which it should be expected around 12 months in which there are no outbreaks of COVID-19. Key aspects are determined for the promotion of popular education in this sense.
