Online learning in university students during COVID-19.

  • Edna María Medina Morón Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Neydi Gabriela Alfaro Cázares Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Keywords: e-learning, internet, university student


The objective is to determine, according to the students, if they consider that learning was positive during the pandemic. A quantitative methodology was used, applying a survey of 60 items grouped into six dimensions to 108 high school students from a university in northeastern Mexico. The analysis was through SPSS Statistics, using multiple regression analysis. The results show that students consider that online learning is determined by the dedication, commitment and time invested during classes, and that the teaching methodology strengthens learning, but is not decisive. In conclusion, when migrating from face-to-face to virtual, an important factor was the discipline and time dedicated by the student.
