Project for the prevention and intervention of school violence in basic and upper secondary education.

  • Rosa María Téllez Barragán Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Magda Lidiana Sánchez Aranda Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Fabiola Ibarra Gudiño Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
Keywords: aggression, violence, learning


Recent research points to various biological factors that create environments that favor the emergence of violence. From a very early age, children learn that violence is an effective way to "resolve" interpersonal conflicts, especially if they have suffered it within the home, either as victims or as witnesses. Violence gradually becomes the usual way of expressing different emotional states, such as anger, frustration or fear; a situation that is not restricted exclusively to the family, but will invariably be reflected in the interaction of each of the family members with society (Federal Government, SSP and SEP, 2016). This will be the essence of this work.
