The formal mechanisms of criminal policy imposed by the Ecuadorian State; effectiveness in response to the crime of domestic violence.

  • María Lorena Merizalde Avilés Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Mónica Alexandra Salame Ortiz Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: Formal mechanisms, criminal policy, domestic violence


Ecuador has been adopting a series of public policies to guarantee personal integrity; however, the creation of more laws, the increase in crimes, the unification of various criminal types and the imposition of more severe penalties have not caused crime rates for domestic violence to decrease. The objective of this article is to investigate the study of the formal criminal policy mechanisms imposed by the Ecuadorian State in response to the crime of violence within the family nucleus or intrafamily violence; understanding that within the last thirty years, criminal policy lacks normative effectiveness, falling into a merely symbolic effectiveness, antagonizing the purpose of Criminal Law.
