Sociodemographic factors, attitudes and environmental behaviors in the Peruvian population.

  • Enidh Gomez Alcarraz Unidad de Gestión de Residuos Sólidos Municipalidad Provincial de Andahuaylas
  • Cesar Fernando Abarca Vera Unidad de Gestión Educativa Andahuaylas
Keywords: sociodemographic factors, environmental behaviors, Peruvian population


Caring for the environment is the responsibility of all human beings; during the past decades there was a better culture of environmental care; however, today technological progress and other factors are generating environmental problems; In this sense, a study was carried out to identify environmental attitudes and their relationship with environmental behavior, finding that there is a direct and significant relationship; in addition, it was identified that there is an adequate environmental attitude, but the environmental behavior is inadequate in the study population, which consisted of 153 Peruvian residents.
