Mechanically assisted ventilation patients receiving respiratory therapy in an Intensive Care Unit of a Hospital in Quito in the period from January to June 2019.

  • María Fernanda Bustillos Basurto Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Gabriel Raúl Palma Tinitana Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Carmen Lisbeth Verdezoto Michuy Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo-Ecuador
Keywords: ICU, respiratory therapy, respiratory system, patients


The objective of this work is to describe the practice of respiratory therapy for patients with assisted mechanical ventilation admitted to intensive care units, who present severe problems in the respiratory system. The sample consists of 310 patients in a hospital in the city of Quito with data collected through the medical records of the patients supplemented with interviews. The descriptive-retrospective method was used, applying various breathing techniques efficiently to the patients. The results of the surveys are demonstrated in this work.
