Search for social peace through indigenous justice in the Saraguro canton.

  • Diego Fabricio Tixi Torres Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Ivonne Patricia Cajo Calle Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Zoila Narciza Sarango Saca Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: crime index, indigenous justice, pluralism


In 2008, the Constitution of Ecuador created a precedent in the history of the country, where legal pluralism stands out, recognizing indigenous justice in our country, which allows citizens of indigenous peoples to have responsibilities, since indigenous authorities they are capable of managing and resolving any action that is against the social peace of their community; Therefore, it is established that the Saraguro canton has 12 communities, which are subject to the application of indigenous justice, thus seeking to reduce crime rates in this canton compared to other cantons in the province of Loja. To carry out this research, the qualitative-quantitative method was used.
