Sanctions of the customs administration for typicity infractions.

  • Manuel Augusto Suárez Albiño Abogado de los Tribunales y Juzgados del Ecuador
  • Diana Carolina Alvarado Nolivos Jueza de Violencia contra la Mujer
Keywords: customs, legal reform, public administration, administrative infringement


The objective of this research is to analyze the public administration and propose a reform to the national legislation in order to avoid the violation of the legality of the aforementioned law. The work used hermeneutic, deductive-inductive and analytical-synthetic research methods, applying interview techniques, documentary analysis and bibliographic consultation. It was concluded that article 193 of the Organic Code of Production, Trade and Investment violates the principle of legal reserve of the punitive power of the state apparatus, and that as a consequence of this, the National Customs Service of Ecuador has been imposing unconstitutional sanctions typified by administrative and regulatory acts issued by the highest authority, making a legal reform imperative to repeal the indicated provision.
