Phenomenological study on university governance in the Faculty of Nursing of Peruvian universities.

  • Antony Paul Espiritu Martinez Universidad Nacional, Autónoma Altoandina de Tarma
  • Alicia Lourdes Merino Lozano Universidad Nacional del Callao
  • Rossana Mirtha Scarsi Maratuech Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Olga Giovanna Valderrama Rios Universidad Nacional del Callao
Keywords: government, universities, public health, health policy, Peru


The present investigation analyzes and describes the state of the art of university governance in the nursing faculty of Peruvian universities; In this way, the selected methodology is the systematic review, since the systematization of the works in the area facilitates the investigation and contributes to other investigations; For this reason, the inquiries have been submitted to the PRISMA flowchart, following the parameters of inclusion and competent discernment. Finally, the present investigation has left evidence that there are limitations in terms of the reviewed literature, as well as the achievements that have been obtained in the consolidation of university governance in the nursing faculties of the universities of Peru.
