Teaching performance in virtual platforms and online class satisfaction: An overview from the perception of Peruvian university students.

  • Roy Amit Flores Rivera Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Silvia Karina García-Pisconte Universidad Autónoma de Ica
  • Nery Yaneth Gavez Jeri Unidad Zonal de Ayacucho
Keywords: teacher performance, virtual education and satisfaction in studies


In order to identify the relationship between teaching performance on virtual platforms and satisfaction with online classes in university students, 326 Peruvian students were studied, to whom two surveys were applied: E-teach performance in virtual environments and satisfaction. of online classes, finding in its application that these two variables are directly and significantly related to an R Spearman 0.845; In addition, within the analysis it is shown that the perception of teaching performance by students generates satisfaction in online classes.
