Bibliometric study of the geography of scientific production in Mexico in the field of psychology.

  • María Elena Luna Morales Centro de Investigación y de estudios Avanzados del IPN
  • Evelia Luna Morales Centro de Investigación y de estudios Avanzados del IPN
Keywords: Psychology-Mexico, bibliometric study, scientific production, impact on citations, Psychology-Regions-Mexico


The scientific production of Mexico in the field of psychology is analyzed, based on the literature registered in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The search for publications was carried out, combining the field of scientific discipline and the country in the period 1900-2021. The study is based on the quantitative bibliometric method to determine the distribution of publications and citations by region. In the 40s the first works are made known, the 70s indicate continuous publications; in the 1990s production increased and in the 2000s the field of study was consolidated. The South Central and Northern regions are the main producers of registered literature.
