Analysis of violence in college students and its consequences.

  • Luis Zapata Panchi Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Ariana Pozo López Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Jhofre Vinicio Prado Quilambaqui Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: Students, physical violence, verbal and psychological violence, acts of violence


Violence occurs frequently in institutions in our country, becoming a problem that affects society, which is why the objective of this research is to identify the existence of acts of violence among students in UNIANDES, especially in the School of Medicine, and seek the necessary solutions to prevent violence and help the victims. The investigative process was carried out using a descriptive and observational method with a qualitative approach. A survey was carried out on 352 people from the UNIANDES School of Medicine. After analyzing the results obtained, it was concluded that problems between classmates lead to physical, social, verbal, psychological and sometimes sexual violence.
