Use of technological tools to treat psychological eating disorders affecting college students.

  • Walter Vinicio Culque Toapanta Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Marcos Aníbal Lalama Flores Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Andrea Gabriela Suárez López Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: digital tools, eating disorders, eating behavior, negative effect


The objective of the study is to analyze the negative effect of the pandemic on university students, especially in the food field, in which many are suffering from bad eating behaviors. Students with eating disorders increased significantly during the pandemic, disorders that cause low academic performance and depressive symptoms in students, which can lead them to suicide. It was possible to obtain the necessary data for the investigation through diagnoses of patients with psychological eating disorders, concluding that information and communication technologies have become a great solution to many current problems, and that digital tools allow us to prevent relapses and help patients. students on the side effects of this pandemic.
