Scientific publications on evaluating organisms for tourism institutions and professionals in Mexico.

  • Norma Patricia Rocha Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Dora Luisa Roux Oropeza Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Alejandra Guadalupe Constantino Vázquez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Keywords: organisms, accreditation, certification, tourism, professional


The accreditation of the tourism career and its professionals is an aspect little investigated. The general objective was to know the number of empirical and theoretical publications, the institutional affiliation, the nationality and the language on evaluating organizations for tourism institutions and professionals in Mexico. The method was a non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive research design. The universe was made up of 23,820 publications, of which CLACSO corresponded to 583; to Redalyc 6,731; and Google Scholar 16,506. As main conclusions, it is indicated: only two publications met the established criteria, which the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico stands out for its publications and for the journal attached to this institution.
