Anxiety levels in university students and associated factors; quantitative study.

  • Irma Leticia Chávez-Márquez Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • Héctor Javier De los Ríos Chávez Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
Keywords: Anxiety-state, anxiety-trait, university students


The research work is a quantitative, cross-sectional study, with a random stratified sampling of 1,006 university students, to whom the IDARE Trait-State Anxiety Inventory was applied, measuring anxiety as state-anxiety and trait-anxiety. The objective was to determine anxiety levels by analyzing the incidence of factors such as age, sex and the area of the affiliation career. The results indicate that the majority of university students present medium and high levels of anxiety, where the only differentiating factor was the area of the career; students enrolled in economic-administrative sciences are the ones who present higher levels of anxiety. Pearson's correlation coefficient indicates a high relationship between anxiety-state and anxiety-trait.
