Gamification and learning of addition and subtraction of second grade students of the "Juan Ullauri" Basic Education school, period 2022-2023.

  • Mery Verónica Piedra Palomino Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Julia Elizabeth Mendieta León Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Yuraima Yannine de los Ángeles Zambrano Mendoza Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Katty Lorena Gómez Rincones Escuela de Educación Básica "Veinticuatro de Julio"
Keywords: mathematics, teaching, game, guide, learning


A descriptive study was carried out with the objective of determining the characteristics of gamification and learning of addition and subtraction in the second grade students of the Juan Ullauri school, in the period 2022-2023. It is concluded that gamification is a learning technique that helps in a playful way to better transform the contents, makes it possible to rethink education in order to achieve better results, promoting effective learning to improve different skills in students. For this reason, the application of gamification for the teaching of addition and subtraction operations is important, which contributes significantly to the teaching-learning process.
