Strategies based on the Montessori method for the emotional development of children in initial education.

  • Devica Anabel Rodríguez Heredia Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Mayra Alexandra Chiguano Jarrin Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Catherine Patricia Culqui Cerón Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: emotional education, learning, Montessori method, initial education


The objective of the research was to show an analysis of the relationship that exists between emotional education in the learning of children in Initial Education. In this study, the emotional factor was evaluated as the essential pillar for optimal learning. A qualitative methodology was selected, where its main theme was based on the Montessori method for emotional development in children of the initial level framed in four dimensions: practical life; sensory education; language skills, reading and writing; and mathematics; Finally, the results obtained are detailed. 
