Chiropractic as a useful alternative within multidisciplinary health teams with sports care: a documentary review.

  • Luis Rodolfo Ordaz Baltazar Universidad Estatal del Valle de Toluca
  • Jorge Garduño Durán Universidad Contemporánea de las Américas
  • Omar Páez Villaseñor Universidad Estatal del Valle de Toluca
Keywords: chiropractic, manual therapy, sports medicine, sports competition


Sports medicine should include alternative health areas whose evidence-based practices favor the multidisciplinary follow-up of the athlete. Part of the problem for Chiropractic to be included as a standard within these multidisciplinary teams is the lack of evidence-based dissemination of the scope of this profession, which leads other health professionals to be unaware or simply dismiss it. The objective of the work is to collect information on the influence of Manual Therapy on athletes to document the foundations of the importance of Chiropractic in sports as part of the multidisciplinarity in sports health care models.
