Obstacles and facilitators in the interaction of older people with health services from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Norma Leticia Perales Espinoza Universidad Veracruzana
Keywords: older people, social determinants of health, health services, obstacles and facilitators


With the emergence of the current coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), older people have been a vulnerable group, since they were the most susceptible to contracting the disease and presenting severe symptoms; in turn, the benefits of health services were affected. The objective of the work is to assess obstacles and facilitators derived from the DSS that older people present in the interaction with health services from the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology was qualitative-interpretative with a phenomenological approach and a type of sampling of typical cases, where men and women over 60 years of age were interviewed, who had interaction with health services from the COVID-19 pandemic.
