Maleness and self-care in adult men with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  • Hugo Castañeda Mejorada Universidad de Sonora Campus Cajeme
  • Patricia Enedina Miranda Felix Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Felix Gerardo Buichia Sombra Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
  • Liliana Estefanía Ramírez Jaime Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Keywords: diabetes mellitus type 2, gender identity, male, adults, self-care


The objective was to describe the self-care activities and machismo in men with type 2 diabetes (DMT2). It is a descriptive cross-sectional study; the sampling was for convenience and the sample consisted of 204 men with DMT2. To measure the variables of interest, a sociodemographic data card, an inventory of compliance with masculine norms, and the instrument of self-care activities were used. In machismo and self-care activities, the participants presented a moderate and high level of machismo, most of them do not perform self-care activities (food, physical activity, foot care and glucose monitoring) which could increase the risk of develop complications that incapacitate them and reduce years of healthy life.
