Public investment projects in urban areas of Peru and the use of the poverty level as a social indicator.

  • Miriam Hetel Chinchay Huarcaya Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente del Perú-COAR
  • Lourdes Quimper Apaza Instituto Nacional Penitenciario
  • Jorge Roberto Chinchay Huarcaya Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle
Keywords: poverty, basic services, public investment


The objective of the work was to know the effect of public investment projects in urban areas of Peru, for which poverty was taken as a social indicator, and in that sense, a qualitative approach was carried out, through a documentary type analysis with a descriptive design of each of the particularities, characteristics, qualities and limitations. The 12 indexed articles were compiled both nationally and Latin American, the main conclusions were drawn up and contrasted with other investigations, in addition to the contributions of theorists. It was concluded that public investment projects in urban areas aim to provide infrastructure; that is, to eradicate poverty by improving the quality of life.
