Proposal for a research protocol for a pedagogical strategy that contributes to the strengthening of teaching performance in the use of active teaching-learning methodologies, through virtual scenarios in the subject Computer Networks of the Software Career at the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador.

  • Alfonso Aníbal Guijarro Rodríguez Universidad de Guayaquil
Keywords: active methodologies, meaningful learning, flipped classroom, project-based learning, computer networks


Most of the teachers who work in technological careers consider lectures as the main teaching method, giving rise to passive learning scenarios. Faced with this situation, a research protocol is presented that wishes to contribute with a pedagogical strategy that strengthens teaching performance in the use of active teaching-learning methodologies, to activate synchronous and asynchronous classes through different methods in the subject networks. of computers of the software career of the University of Guayaquil - Ecuador, and thus offer the possibility to the students to build a significant learning.
