Current challenges of the Union of Teachers at the Service of the State of Mexico.

  • Braulio González Ortega Escuela Normal de San Felipe del Progreso
  • Itzel Estefanía Sánchez Sánchez Universidad Alfa Lambda
Keywords: union, Mexican unionism, SMSEM, challenges, teacher revaluation


The challenges of teacher unionism in the 21st century are recognized as varied, given the constitutional reforms in education that have limited their actions since 2013; Thus, the objective of this document is to expose some challenges that arise for the Union of Teachers at the Service of the State of Mexico. For the above, it has been necessary to historically trace the gestation of unions in Mexico and its normative foundation from its substantive law contained in article 123 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and its procedural law: the Federal Labor Law. It points to the need to revalue the teaching work from the gestation of better working conditions for hiring and in the service.
