Environmental attitudes and intentions in behavior and their difference between engineering students and active engineers.

  • Ingrid Iovana Burgos Espinoza Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • Jorge Luis García Alcaraz Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • Arturo Realyvásquez Vargas Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Cely Celene Ronquillo Chávez Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Keywords: environmental attitude, environmental education, environmental intention, SEM, engineering


A structural equations model that relates environmental attitudes (ACA), pro-environmental behavior intentions (ICA) and pro-environmental behavior (CPP) in engineering students and active engineers is presented. The variables are related through three hypotheses that are statistically validated with information obtained from 873 students and 573 engineers through a questionnaire, and the partial least squares technique is used. The results indicate that there is a difference in the relationship between the variables of the ICA and the CPP, these being higher in active engineers than in students. It was possible to demonstrate a direct and positive relationship between the ACA and CPP, as well as between the ACA and the ICA, which are statistically equal.
