The development of oral expression through the rounds in children of initial education

  • Allisson J. Parreño Moreno Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Iveth K. Ugsha Cuyo Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Erika Maribel Sigcha Ante Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: didactic guide, oral expression, language, rounds, visual cards


The children's rounds used as strategies in the development of orality within the guide "Little readers in action", allowed to improve the development of oral expression in infants, since the majority do not express themselves fluently and adequate intonation in various activities. schoolchildren. The purpose of the research was to guide teachers, who implement playful strategies to improve oral expression in children of the Initial Sublevel II. The study was carried out with the qualitative approach for the structuring and analysis of the research instruments; it should be noted that visual cards were used in the execution of the proposed activities, obtaining favorable results such as reinforcement in oral development.
