Viso-Motor development in children of Initial Education

  • Viviana Nallely Flores Sarchi Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Magaly Aracely Vargas Quijo Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • María Fernanda Constante Barragán Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: visual motor, manual oculus, deficit


Visual-motor development is a set of exercises and coordinated movements such as cutting, painting, tearing and pasting that favor the writing process. The recent article is the result of an investigation whose purpose was to identify the consequences that the pandemic left in the visual motor area, in this way the investigation chose to be of a qualitative nature, with the observation sheet as a collection instrument. Therefore, with the elaboration and application of the workshops entitled "Discovering my curious and creative little hands" an adequate handling of the digital clamp was observed in each child, favoring their hand-eye coordination, which would optimize their learning process.
