The Reggio Emilia method in the development of creativity in early childhood education

  • Evelyn Pamela Jácome Lliguilema Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Génesis Lizbeth Salcedo Vargas Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Lorena Aracely Cañizares Vasconez Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Creativity, Reggio Emilia Methodology, development, activities, constructivism


The project was carried out for the benefit of children in early education to encourage the development of creativity, through a didactic guide containing activities focused on the Reggio Emilia Methodology, these activities helped to increase the imagination of children through the elements of the natural environment and recycled material, in addition, it has a constructivist approach that emphasizes observation and experimentation of the proposed activities so that the child is the protagonist of his own learning. Finally, it was concluded that creativity is important in the development of every child, since it allowed the development of their potentialities, capacities, attitudes and aptitudes that each one possesses, being more participative in the classroom.
