Development of the program "I read, understand and solve" in the improvement of critical thinking and reading comprehension in elementary school students.

  • Nancy del Rosario Díaz Rodríguez Universidad César Vallejo
  • Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente Universidad Norbert Wiener
Keywords: critical thinking, reading comprehension, educational program


The objective was to determine to what extent the "I read, understand and solve" program influences the improvement of the level of Critical Thinking and Reading Comprehension of elementary students in an Educational Institution in Lima. The methodology corresponds to the quantitative approach, experimental design, quasi-experimental sub-design, the technique was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire; both the control and experimental group were made up of 40 students respectively. Sampling was non-probabilistic. The results showed that there is a significant difference between both groups in the post-test with a significance of 0.000 < 0.05, concluding that the program significantly improves the level of Critical Thinking in reading comprehension of primary school students.
