Folkloric dance in socio-emotional development.

  • Daniela Alexandra Pilatasig Neto Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Blanca Lucía Tipan Umajinga Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • José María Bravo Zambonino Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: folk dance, socio-emotional development, playful strategy, pedagogical strategy, social integration


Folkloric dance is a pedagogical strategy that develops skills and socio-emotional integration in infants; unfortunately, the confinement by COVID-19 in the "Ignacio Flores" Educational Unit, a group of preschoolers presented a delay in socio-emotional development, for which, folk dance workshops were diagnosed and proposed to strengthen the social integration of sublevel II infants; For this reason, this scientific article was structured through qualitative research with a descriptive nature, the use of deductive and inductive methods, and as an instrument for collecting true data we used the checklist for the execution of the investigation, which proved to be a effective instrument for the control of emotions.
