Access to education of young people in Babahoyo influenced by gender rights.

  • Emver Santiago Nivela Ortega Universidad Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Segundo Heriberto Granja Huacon Universidad Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Damaris Aylin Zambrano Santana Universidad Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Tony Daniel Bósquez Albán Unidad Educativa 16 de Mayo
Keywords: gender aspects, education, adolescents, skills and knowledge


The purpose of carrying out this work is to emphasize the importance of education for young people regardless of gender aspects and the rights that adolescents have. To carry out this research, it was necessary to collect information about gender rights, using theoretical level methods, empirical level methods and statistical methods, since the use of education is required as a basic right of all children. , girls and adolescents, which helps them develop skills and knowledge necessary to develop as adults. As a result, the influence that education has on the materialization of gender rights in adolescents from Babahoyo was determined.
