Theoretical systematization of Industry 4.0 in the logistics area.

  • Ricardo Patricio Medina Chicaiza Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Daisy Abigail Toapanta Tipantasig Universidad Técnica de Ambato
Keywords: automatization, industry 4.0, logistics, digital transformation


Industry 4.0 is a term used to refer to modern technologies that have a significant impact on the operation of the industry, it has a great impact on logistics by transforming the way of managing and operating processes with more optimized working methods. Therefore, the article aims to make a theoretical approach to Industry 4.0 technologies with application in logistics. A historical-logical approach methodology is employed with the Kitchenham model supported by Rayyan tool. The results reveal various technologies that can be applied in logistics processes (reception, storage, dispatch, and distribution), for which it is essential to study in depth the condition and needs of the company.
