E-service quality of online supermarkets: an analysis of its dimensions.

  • Ricardo Patricio Medina Chicaiza Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Joyce Rafaela Valencia Báez Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Lorena del Carmen Chiliquinga Véjar Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Iván Fernando Silva Ordóñez Universidad Técnica de Ambato
Keywords: electronic commerce, quality, service, retail commerce, online store


This article analyzes the quality of the online portal service of supermarkets in the city of Quito, Ecuador, for which a systematic review of the literature was carried out. Through direct observation, the supermarket sites were evaluated based on the selected service quality dimensions, complemented by an analysis of web performance. It is highlighted in the findings that the level of quality of the electronic service of supermarkets is satisfactory, and the best managed dimensions are privacy and transaction; on the contrary, the personalization dimension requires attention. It is necessary to optimize aspects of the site to improve its performance and consequently contribute to user satisfaction.
