Tourist attractions in lagoon systems: a study from the university perspective.

  • Jazmín Eduwigis Ruíz Maraboto Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Norma Patricia Hernández Rocha Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Alejandra Guadalupe Constantino Vázquez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Keywords: tourism, lagoon systems, environment, recreation, education


The objective of this work was to know the number of empirical and theoretical articles, the institutional affiliation, the type of magazine, the treatment of the articles, the language and the methodological characteristics of the production of articles on tourist attractions in lagoon systems. The methodology used was a non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive research design; The universe of articles was made up of 22,214 publications, of which 6,026 articles corresponded to Redalyc; to Google Scholar 15,988 articles and to Dialnet 200 articles. As conclusions, only five articles met the criteria of being related to the theme of tourist attractions in lagoon systems and being empirical, only one was published in Portuguese.
