Analysis of the violation of animal rights and animal abuse.

  • Kevin Martín Valle Campi Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Patty Elizabeth Del Pozo Franco Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Marcia Esther España Herrería Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: crime, animal abuse, living beings, problem, act of cruelty


Physical abuse towards animals is considered an act of cruelty and inconsideration towards animals. This work addresses this issue, with the objective of clarifying the issue of the rights that are violated when mistreating an animal, since said mistreatment can often lead to its death. In addition, it must be recognized that these acts are considered a crime, and that international organizations recognize the rights of all living beings. This research was carried out using the mixed approach method, which allows the combination of analysis and data collection, using survey techniques, questionnaires, and direct observation, in order to clarify the problem to be dealt with.
