Legal analysis in administrative disciplinary processes and its relationship with respect for due process.

  • José Fabián Molina Mora Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Manuel Augusto Suarez Albiño Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Deinier Ros Álvarez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: disciplinary procedure, legal qualification, administrative law


This study focuses on a fundamental aspect of Administrative Law, specifically on special administrative procedures, focusing on the disciplinary administrative proceedings. In this procedure, at the time of its initiation, it is necessary to establish the legal qualification in the corresponding order, which will allow the subject to the summary to know the accusations against him and to be able to exercise his defense adequately. In other words, the legal qualification is a determining element that indicates the alleged disciplinary offenses committed by the public servant or official in the exercise of their functions, specifying the action or omission charged and its relationship with one or several disciplinary offenses.
