Analysis of the lack of security and the link with juvenile delinquency in the By Pass sector in the city of Babahoyo.

  • William Lenin Mazacón Solano Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Esther Maricela Coello Avilés Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Joel Ismael Nauya Guacho Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: Lifestyle, marginal areas, juvenile delinquency, insecurity


At present, crime has affected the different locations of the country. This paper aims to analyze the growth of juvenile delinquency in the By Pass sector of the city of Babahoyo. Juvenile delinquency is generally considered to occur in marginal areas of the country, although this is not always the case. One of the main reasons for this to happen is the flexibility that the law has in Ecuador to judge minors, which means that if there are no corrective measures at the legal level, this will continue to grow. The lifestyle that adolescents lead is also an aggravating circumstance, it becomes a pattern to be followed in families. This work is based on this analysis.
