The state of compliance with the right to public security in the Ventanas Canton of the Province of Los Ríos, Ecuador in the year 2023.

  • Vanessa Josefa Hernández Alvarado Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Esther Maricela Coello Avilés Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Katherine Tatiana Troya Terranova Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: insecurity, criminal statistics, criminal acts, crime


The objective of this work is to evaluate the increase in citizen insecurity in the urban parish of 10 de Noviembre, in Cantón Ventanas, during the year 2022. Special emphasis will be placed on the strategies and methods used in the most relevant criminal acts and determinants that affect said parish. It is crucial to know the work carried out by the National Police, as well as the crime statistics, and above all, to obtain a complete understanding of the opinion of the citizenry. For this, both qualitative and quantitative surveys have been carried out, to know the reality faced by the citizens of the mentioned parish, allowing to know the real increase in insecurity during the year 2022.
