The collision of rights in the decision of the use of euthanasia in Ecuador: the absence of legal recognition.

  • Erik Manuel Vásquez Llerena Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Katty Anahís Luzuriaga Morán Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Doménica Alejandra Guevara López Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Shirley Katherine Herrera Villacis Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: dignified death, suicide, right to euthanasia, catastrophic illnesses


Colombia is one of the Latin American countries that has made great strides in recognizing euthanasia as a mechanism to achieve a dignified death, especially in people who suffer from catastrophic illnesses and are in a terminal stage. The objective of this research is to prioritize the points of view of people who have responded to the problem and what it represents. Investigative, dogmatic, formalist and exploratory methods were used, using jurisprudential precedents issued by the Constitutional Court of Colombia, in the face of an absent development of its Ecuadorian counterpart. It was concluded that euthanasia is not an authorization to commit suicide but assistance for a person to die in dignified conditions and without pain.
