Historical and conceptual transformation of women's rights in the global context.

  • María Lorena Merizalde Avilés Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • María Cristina López Hidalgo Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Iván Patricio Saquicela Rodas Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
Keywords: Analysis, women's rights, international level, global level, gender equality


In the present study, a chronological analysis of the international instruments that have contributed to the strengthening of women's rights in the international arena is carried out. The main objective is to examine the evolution of women's rights over time, both globally, regionally, and nationally, with the purpose of identifying their origins, the variations experienced, the modernizations implemented, and the progress made in terms of gender. The research is based on a qualitative methodology, which has allowed carrying out a detailed and critical review of the existing bibliography on the subject. Through this study, the challenges faced on the path towards gender equality are examined.
