Criminalistics experts in crimes of illegal alluvial mining in Madre de Dios, Peru.

  • Miguel Zisebuto Barreto Rivera Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo
  • Marina Adalguisa Reyes Mishari Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo
  • Michelle Stephanie Barreto Reyes Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo
Keywords: illegal mining, criminal experts, protected natural areas, environmental pollution, deforestation


The study is carried out in Madre de Dios, Peru, the relationship between criminal expert reports and crimes of illegal alluvial mining was established in a significant and moderate way. At the same time, relationships associated with the affectation of protected natural areas, loss of the Amazon Forest and mercury contamination were sought. The investigation with a quantitative approach and census sampling, applied the survey to 38 police officers who carried out investigations related to the subject. The data were processed using Excel and SPSS 25, obtaining a correlation coefficient of 1,000 for the variable forensic expert reports and 0.490 for the illegal alluvial mining variable, with a bilateral significance value of Spearman's Rho of 0.002.
