Extreme poverty in the rural area of the San Damián, Huarochirí district.

  • Oscar Alberto Urbano Ayala Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo
  • Franklin Pedro Cieza Paquiyauri Universidad Privada César Vallejo
Keywords: rural poverty, vulnerability, human security, social exclusion, economy


The objective of the research was to explore the perception of poverty in this rural setting, because it is one of the populations that has benefited the least in economic growth. It is a rural area where poverty prevails, maintains a situation of vulnerability, social exclusion and lack of human security. The research methodology was directed to a qualitative approach, documentary design and data collection was based on studies published in journals and reliable spaces (Scopus, SciElo, Web of Science, others). For the study, information was compiled from 20 scientific articles referring to poverty, extreme poverty in rural areas and the rural community of San Damián de Huarochirí was taken as a reference.
