Comparison of the start of antipsychotics before and after the withdrawal of sedation as a strategy to control delirium in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation in the Intensive Care Units of the FF Specialty Hospitals. AA. No. 1 and Father Carollo in the city of Quito. Study period: January 2018 to March 2020.

  • Edisson Vladimir Maldonado Mariño Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Alexander Javier Ramos Velastegui Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Diego Eduardo Guato Canchinia Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: antipsychotics, delirium control, sedation, intensive care, patients


The objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of starting antipsychotics in controlling delirium, both before and after sedation withdrawal, in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in Intensive Care Units. To achieve this objective, a descriptive, observational, analytical, and retrospective study was carried out with a longitudinal approach. The study was applied to 266 patients, of which 43.23% presented delirium. Regarding the start of antipsychotics, it was observed that 51.50% of the patients received them before the withdrawal of sedation, while 48.50% received them after. The results evaluate the benefits and risks of the use of antipsychotics for the control of delirium.
