Preparation of a manual of nursing recommendations for the care of the elderly after overcoming the COVID-19 infection at the Type B Health Center of Santa Rosa.

  • Adisnay Rodríguez Plasencia Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Riber Fabián Donoso Noroña Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Elisabeth Germania Vilema Vizuete Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: nursing care, older adults, nursing care process, planning, COVID-19


The study aims to analyze the relevance of a nursing care guide for older adults who are in the post-COVID-19 stage and are cared for at the Santa Rosa Type B Health Center. A mixed methodology was used with the application of a survey to a group of 6 nurses who work in the Health Center. The results obtained revealed that 66.67% of the respondents indicated that they had never carried out a planned and continuous care process for post-COVID-19 care in older adults; 100% affirmed that it is important to monitor vital signs during care for older adults.
