Nursing care in relation to the use of medications in pregnant women who attend the Sur Health Center: an approach focused on maternal-fetal safety and well-being.

  • María Verónica Aveiga Hidalgo Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Clara Elisa Pozo Hernández Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Olga Mireya Alonzo Pico Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Erika Marcela León Revelo Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
Keywords: Pregnant women, medications, drugs, analgesics, medical prescription


A descriptive study of an applied nature was carried out at the South Health Center of the Tulcán canton, Carchi province, with the objective of determining the drugs used by pregnant women and the factors that trigger their consumption. The study sample included 35 pregnant women. It was observed that the most used medications were analgesics, representing 13.5% of the total consumption. It was found that 67% used these drugs without a prescription, mainly due to the presence of flu-like symptoms, representing 44% of the cases. Of the most consumed drugs, for the relief of symptoms, paracetamol used in 73.3% was identified, followed by diclofenac with 18.4%.
