University transformation: towards a sustainable and praxeological management.

  • Josía Jeseff Isea Argüelles Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Carol Elizabeth Ianni Gómez Instituto de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados Koinonía
  • Maribel José Giménez Guariguata Fundación Koinonía
Keywords: university transformation, praxeological, sustainable management


The following research focuses on rethinking the university as an organization in search of innovation and sustainability. It uses an interpretative approach based on Martin Heidegger's phenomenology and interviews with four professors of the Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda. The study identifies three emerging categories: the university as an intelligent systemic, praxeological and relearning organization. These perspectives provide a basis for innovative management that can ensure the long-term sustainability of the university. This involves reconsidering how life and work in the university institution is organized and operated, especially in the context of sustainability as an innovation agenda.
